Friday, March 22, 2013

Emily's Mesmerizing Embellisments

My motto is “the bigger the bow the better.” I just love the crochet caps, big flower headbands and well, all that is girlie. I trained my daughter, Abbey, from an early age and now I am training my newborn, Madeleine. I want my Madeleine to not just have her big sister’s cute bows, but some of her own. So what is a girl to do? I found a wonderful site “Etsy” for the most creative pieces. Emilyz Embellishments pieces caught my eye immediately, and I did something I usually don't do—I looked further at the profile. I juist had to know who made these gorgeous headband, so I tracked them down and had a wonderful conversation with them via email. The person behind these lovely headbands is Emily and she is only 15 years old. To my delight her support team is her own mother. As a mother of two girls, I find this so special. 

Emily began her business over a year ago when she was told that she had to pay for her own car. "When I grew up it was our family’s rule that the kids had to purchase their own vehicles/pay their own ins...etc.," says Ginger, Emily's mother, "we just passed that same rule on to our children…. we want them to be hard workers, take good care of their things, and know the value of a dollar, and appreciate it."  Her sister earned money babysitting and working at a day care. Thinking that her babysitting jobs weren't going to be enough, Emily did what any one of us would hope to do, she got creative.  She had started making crochet flower hair clips after a friend from church taught her. "I started selling them to people around my community," says Emily. "After a few months I decided to expand. I was having way to m uch fun!" She followed that up by selling her items at fairs and market nights. She then came up with what changed everything--Etsy. It was no longer only local jobs, she has gone global. That's right, she has gone global.  She shipped as far as New Zealand, Germany and Spain. Her mom was taking care of the finance side, until this past summer when she added her own creative input to the team by making tutus. "I thought...if I'm going to spend this much time here with my daughter, I might as well make a few dollars myself," said mom, "we had so much fun on our Friday nights!! I love working with Emily."  Emily does the hair accessories while mom does the tutus, what a great team!

"My parents are super supportive and totally put up with my craziness!" says Emily, "My mom will literally sit with me for hours during market night. She's just fabulous." Thanks to the flexibility of being home-schooled, she is able to balance her busy schedule. That is not to say that it's easy. On a busy week she can have as many as 35 orders. Each piece is custom made to order and can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes. This is in addition to her passion ... dancing. "At times it is hard to balance work and school but schoolwork always comes first," says Emily. Her mother was not surprised by her talents. "Emily always had a knack for crafting," she said. "She puts her whole heart into everything she does, whether it be her dancing, her business, cooking. Whatever she does, she does with a passion."  

"The Lord has really blessed my business, my Etsy shop has just taken off!" she says. "I am happy to say that my goal of buying a car will soon be fulfilled." Emily will have some time to decide on the car, since she is still not of age to drive. Who knew that she would be this successful?! Don't think that success has gone to her head. Emily is already setting her eyes on a new goal ... college. "I can start working toward my AA through a junior college next year," she says. "Those credits will go toward my high school, and college credits." Other possibilities in her future include photography or own her boutique. She is keeping her options open, because after all this savvy business lady is only 15 years-old. "We are so proud of our girl, " says mom, "Not just for being such a young business owner....Emily has a gentle spirit, everyone who meets her, loves her.  Emily is genuine, and has the most amazing character.  She is beautiful inside and out." 

There are many who are selling great headbands and tutus, but Emilyz Embellishments deserve a visit. Her headbands are for everyday wear, shabby chic &  simple glamorous. She also brings credibility. She has 100% positive feedback on Etsy from over 100 buyers and over 600 likes onEmilyz Embellishments Facebook page. That is pretty impressive for only being up for just over two months.  I even held off this article back for a couple days because she had so close shop for the weekend to catch up on her orders coming. Talk about being in high in demand! "I love to create unique hair accessories! I am really inspired by color," says Emily, "My headbands are all very girlyand sweet!"

To purchase Emilyz Embellishments creations go to:
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